Thursday, June 16, 2005

obedience vs. submission

Would you think I was questioning your intelligence if I pointed out the relationship between the title of this blog and my profile picture (taken in Mazatlan, at the Bruja, by moi)?
Really. How perfect is that?

Enough about how great my blog is...

It's Feelings Time!
I'm feeling a little sad right now. Only shallowly, however. I won't be going to San Fran this summer, nor will I be able to take that course in Vancouver in August. It's the too-bad-it-didn't-work-out-but-it-is-probably-for-the-best kind of sadness, not to be confused with I'm-sick-of-this-rain sadness.
On the contrary, I love this rain.
Heavy rainfall warning?
Bring it on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanna give a shout out to my main home-girl Britt D! Way outta there in the Temple! I loves ya! And all the musings of your fine find mind. (loves them too). So - turns out that Vancouver shall prove to be the 'best-time-ever' coupled with 'I'm-so-glad-for-this-downpour' and 'I-love-that-water-is-streaming-down-my-bangs-into-my-mouth', also too much laughing to know where to store it all. Will any more fit in the trunk??!!