Sunday, October 31, 2004

give me one more hour

So. Day 2 of the Bell Mobility/ExpressVu seminar today. I'm done with that for now.
They treated us very well. I think I might just like this job.

I was worried about some of the hours conflicting with my Sunday meetings and my two-day assembly but it's all looked after now. I changed the hours for Sundays and got the weekend of my assembly off.

This weekend was really odd.
This whole seminar was one thing. I was never interviewed by anyone and neither were the people from all over Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba that they flew in and set up at the hotel. These companies have invested a lot into people they know nothing about. Who does that?

The weekend was also odd in that pretty much all my plans fell through. Friday night I cancelled (mostly because it ended up being just some married couples) and just took it easy. Saturday night I did go to see a friend off (she's heading to Vietnam) but I was supposed to go to a different party. Now tonight things aren't going as planned, which is turning out to be a good thing because I'm not really feeling well.

Last night I ended up hanging out with people I don't normally and saying more than I do normally. I ranted a little about a mutual aquaintance. There are very few people I deem rant-worthy so I feel justified but, at the same time, I didn't really know these people.
It makes me sad when people bond based on similar bad feelings toward another person. It makes me even sadder when people seek that out ("What do you think about him/her? Do you even like him/her?").
The true test of a good friend is whether or not they make you want to be a better person. I think that is so true - I need to surround myself with great people who inspire me.

Or maybe I'm just a huge geek. Yeah, that's probably it.

Speaking of good friends:
I'm extremely jealous of a certain Erin who seems to be having a great time in Mexico right now. I can't wait to get down there.

I mean... Adios.

1 comment:

erin said...

i am having a great time, and i can't wait for you to get down here either. hurry up!

i know exactly what you mean about basing friendships on shared meanness (sp?), even if the person that meanness is directed towards deserves it. i've had such friendships, and they just never last, cause i felt guilty and petty everytime i hung out with such people. good friends do inspire you to be better. aw, you're a good friend britta. you inspire me. i big fat love you. now hurry up and get down here, so you can inspire me in the sunshine, instead of over the internet!