Thursday, September 30, 2004

Rocky Raccoon

My family laughs a lot, I realized today. That makes me incredibly happy.

Here are a few things I have recently discovered (or re-discovered) that I love:
1.The Beatles.
I've been listening to The Anthology 3. It rocks my world.
How could you not appreciate their jet-puffed greatness?
I've started taking some this week and I have a ridiculous amount of energy.

I thought it was going to be a longer list. Three items. That's rather disappointing.

Anyway, nothing much new over here.
I just finished fancy-ing up my resume a bit. I built it in photoshop, which was time consuming but I like how it turned out.
I'm going to see Gomez tomorrow night at the U of C.
That should be good.
I believe I am also going to see Hayden this month.

Now I am going to bed.
Sleep is so under-rated.

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