I have had the most intense last couple of days. Insane.
First off: Friday night
It started off quite well. Gomez was quite enjoyable. We came home and it seemed a shame to just go to sleep so we met up with some people and went out for coffee. Bad, bad decision. Little did I know one of those people had decided to hate me.
Background: This guy has liked me for the past while, making things quite awkward. He knew that the reason that I broke up with Ryan was because I didn't want a boyfriend now or in the near future. I had thought we could have a platonic relationship. Apparently not. Anywho, I had backed off the last couple of weeks. Turns out, he was really mad.
So we went out for coffee -- I have never been so humiliated and hurt in... well, I don't know, a long time. He and his friend decided to either disregard or bash every single thing I said and did. I was furious by the time I got home at about 2. I was ready to write my first real angry post. But, to my dismay, the internet was down.
I was still pretty upset about the night before, so I was feeling a little down.
However, the guy (some of you will know who he is, but for whatever reason, I hesitate to use his name) ended up coming over in the evening, bearing gifts and he apologized profusely. He said if I didn't want to go out with him, he'd still rather be friends than nothing. I'm still not too sure how serious he was about that.
We ended up going down to Prince's Island park around 11. Everyone else was really hyper because they had been drinking Red Bull. We ran around and then went out for coffee.
Oh, one good story came out of our running around. Jord was rail-sliding with just his shoes on (does that make any sense?) and some guy came up to him, very impressed, asking if he had special shoes. Jord assured him his shoes were quite normal and did another demonstration for this curious (and slightly drunk) man. We encouraged the man to try it. He did. But he fell backwards onto a bike rack! I thought he broke his back. He didn't move at first and I thought he was seriously injured. When he got up, we all had a good laugh.
Okay, back to the coffee - I had a gingerbread cookie that I think was supposed to look like Miss Piggy. It was pretty creepy. We were all about the head home but a few of us decided to go back to Jord's place to hear some new stuff he recorded on his reel-to-reel player (that thing is incredible). All of a sudden, it was four in the morning and I was begging to be taken home. They refused. Then because I was whining so much, they made me drink a Red Bull.
That stuff is insane. Has anyone else tried it yet? I don't know how long it's been legalized in Canada, not long. I was out of control. Anyway, there was a lot of driving around after that. We finally ended up going for a super early breakfast.
Then I went to my parents' meeting, where I thought I was going to pass out. I actually just got home. So I haven't slept in a really long time. I thought I had outgrown that whole All-Nighters-Are-Novelties stage, but I guess not.
I'm supposed to go to karaoke tonight. So my plan is to sleep for the rest of the day until I have to go to that. Ugh.
The interesting thing about the last couple of days is the range of emotions it encompassed. I don't think it's healthy to do that to yourself.
Wow, this was quite the convoluted post.
Well, good night.
I mean... uh... good afternoon....
I'm going to sleep.