I should really be sleeping right now.
Work tomorrow is going to be so rad, I just know it.
But I have too much energy, so I will recount my adventures of the day.
It was one of those bad days, or so it seemed.
I was feeling grumpy, and then guilty for my grumpiness, followed by more grumpiness and guilt... and so on.
I had quite an uneventful day - I slept in, went for pho with my mom, fought with my printer.
Then I went to work.
And I got a new shirt!! I am rather sick of wearing dark pants and white dress shirts. Mostly I'm sick of washing and ironing white dress shirts.
But they gave us long-sleeved teeshirts that are super comfy. They even say Bell on them. Yay.
Then we (Kristian, Jayce, Nathan and I) headed downtown to say adieu to Reid in the form of a sushi party. We met up with Serena, Blake, Brandon and Jord. Oh, and Reid. I was receiving a lot of opposition on the whole sushi idea, which was disappointing.
It was great though. Ha. Everyone had to admit that it was great.
We had these huge boats of sushi and the staff sang and drummed for Reid. We all sang "Leaving on a Jetplane". Then they made Reid and Serena wear these japanese costumes and dance. They even took a picture of it. One day I will get a copy of that picture (Reid has it) and I will post it. Cutest picture ever.
After we all went to Serena's house and hung out there until 3. Her parents are away right now and when they are out of town, she really likes to rearrange her furniture. Basically, her living room was in her kitchen and her kitchen was in her living room. And one chair was at the top of the stairs. It made me really happy.
Well, now I'm feeling a little tired.
Plan for tomorrow:
-Go to work
-Work (or is that included in the above?)
-Go to Renee's for gt's.
Oh, and I'd just like to take this time to appologize for the lack of depth in my posts. No startling revelations here.
Adieu. To yieu and yieu and yieu.